Data and Information Management
In this trimester in (IT) class the first topic was about data and information management, which associated with information management. It was really nice topics, and it's made me interested to learn about information technology. so, now I would like to review about what I have learnt in my IT class. In this topic the first definition which was based on computer. However, a programmable machine that carries out what it has been instructed to do. Therefore, this machine can perform five operation processing cycle among them four are basic operation such as input, processing, output, storage and others is communication. From my point of view, when we perform an operation and give instruction as a input, then computer start processing and give us output as an information. The whole process of computer to store data which use operations to get out put. Furthermore from this class, we also have gotten remarkable knowledge about the generations of computer. They are divided into five generation such as -
2. 2nd generation: Transistors.
3. 3rd generation: Integrated circuits (IC).
4. 4th generation: ULSI/VLSI.
5. 5th generation: Artificial intelligence.
The first generation started from 1940 to 1950, it's a vacuum tube. The first electronic computer is (ENIAC) whch was built by J.prseper Eckert and Jhon Mauchly in 1945 during the second world war. Therefore, the first commercial computer (UNIVAC) in 1951, it's a universal automatic computer.
Second generation started from 1950 to 1964, which is transistors and that was invented by William Shokley, John Baedeen and Walter Brattain. Beside that, the vacuum tube was replaced by transistors.
Next is third generation which was started from 1964 to 1974, it's integrated circuits (IC). Integrated circuits combines thousands of transistors, entire circuit on one computer chip.
Thereafter, next is the fourth generation started from 1974 and continuing until present. Fourth generation computer are called modern computer. The computer are used are called as ULSI (ultra large scale integration) and VLSI (very large scale integration). Millions of components could be fit into a small chip was ensured in this generation.
Last is the fifth generation starting from now and will be until future, which is called artificial intelligence computers. This generation will be very useful because it's able to think, reason and learn about everything. Based in this generation, primary means of input voice and touch.
During this topic our beloved miss also introduced us with the categories of computer. The computer categories are -
1. Embedded computer.
3. Personal computer.
4. Midrange servers.
5. Mainframe computer.
6. Super computer.
These six categories of computer are perceive for different kind of function. Likewise the first categories is embedded computer which is a mini computer and embedded into a specific product for a specific function. Secondly, the mobile computer which is small computer and it can fit in our hand, contain built-in computing or internet capabilities. Thirdly, personal computer which is fully functioning portable or desktop computers and designed for a single user at a time. Next is midrange servers which is physically likes small cabinet, hosting data and programs available to a small group of users. Therefore, next is mainframe computers which is a large, expensive, very powerful computer that can handle hundreds of thousands of connected users simultaneously. Lastly is supercomputers which is the fastest, most powerful and most expensive category. And extremely powerful computers used for complex computation and processing.

The main ideas about information technology is to get knowledge about data and information. As my respective miss has explained us more based on this topic. From my point of view, data is the raw facts which can be the form of numbers, symbols, pictures or sounds. Data is meaningless and unless it processed in computer and convert into information as an output. And information which is meaningful that used to persuade, influence as well making decision too. Information has two basic concepts one is 'reach' and another is 'richness'. Richness has three components firstly 'bandwidth' secondly 'customization' and lastly 'interactivity', which explains about amount of information and interaction between two organizations.
To process the data we have to follow the I-P-O method, which includes with input, processing and output. our beloved miss also explained us clearly about input, processing and output. Firstly, an input device which is any hardware component that allows users to enter data and instructions into a computer. Secondly, processing is data which exist in CPU and CPU is the key component of digital computer system. Lastly, output is data which has been processed into a useful form. Again, an output device is any type of hardware component which conveys information to one or more people.
As the last part of the topic which was about information management. our respective lecturer has given us clear information based on this content of the first topic. From my point of view, information management (IM) is a general terms which refers to managing any kind of information or any kinds of information that we manage and how we manage our information. To do the information management (IM) peoples and organisations are confronted with many problems and issues. Among them some problems are related to information or information management (IM) as well as large number of information system, disorganised data and information, and information overload. Every problem has a right way solution so, we can overcome this problem by using electronic records management system (RM), learning management system (LM), and as well customer relationship system (CRM).
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