Database management System
Finally, we are in topic four which is all about database management system. We started our class by the definition of database which is a place to store manages and relatives data or information in information system. Database has much application that used in organization, bank, college and universities. We can apply the database application in bank, hospital, university, and even in the food production. During having this part she also thought us the significant item from this topic which is database application. From this class I became to know this which is the function of database that used to store, organize and control the data.
Then she started the next sessoin with the database structure. She thought us that database structure which are four types for the modern database, among them the very first one is the actual database which is as known as content. Secondly, which is hardware that helps to process and store the data. Thirdly, software to manipulate the contents data which is relation with the software. As the last one is people who access, control and modification of the data. After getting the concept about the database as well as it's structure she continued with database management system (DBMS), which is a software package used to manipulate the database and also called database programme. As a great example of database management system which are Microsoft access, File marker, Clippers, RDBMS as well Oracle and so on.
Beside giving us the definition of (DBMS) she also informed us about the feature of (DBMS), which allows user to create new database, give user the ability to query and modify the data using appropriate language or data manipulation. There are three types of language that used in database management system such as (DDL) data definition language, (DML) data manipulate language and (SQL) structured query language.
From the last part our miss has shown us the components of database user, database models and it's types. Firstly the components of database users such as end user, application programmes and database administrator. Secondly the models of database are structure, characteristics, description and organization. Lastly, there are some types of database models such as hierarchical database, rational database, network database and object-relational database. Hierarchical model was developed in 1960 by IBM company which is information management system like upside-down tree. It's structure contains levels or segment likewise organizational chart. This is the model of organizes data in a tree structure. It can may establish one to many relationship. So these are the things that we have learnt in this topic.

Beside giving us the definition of (DBMS) she also informed us about the feature of (DBMS), which allows user to create new database, give user the ability to query and modify the data using appropriate language or data manipulation. There are three types of language that used in database management system such as (DDL) data definition language, (DML) data manipulate language and (SQL) structured query language.
We are still in processing in this topic. As a next part we started with the components of database management system. There are six types of components of database such as field, record, table, key field, rational database and objects. In this components field is column and record is row. Again the components of database that is table in database which called as entity. It's represent by the particular object in the real world such as a person, a place or an event. Their entities can be thought of as nouns and it's also represented in tables. As a great example students information system entity is student, subject, course, timetable and result. Then next is key field which usually represents the number as a example students ID number and subject code. As a last one is components schema or relationship. Schema is describe the relationships between the entities and we can show the relationship in the form of diagram. There are three types of relationships exists in schema such as one to one, one to many and many to many. Firstly, one to one relationship each raw in one database table which related to only one raw in the another table. As a great example student and ID number or subject code. Secondly, one to many there will be linked from table to table in many rows and many to many rows relationship is more then one rows will be linked with the another table.
From the last part our miss has shown us the components of database user, database models and it's types. Firstly the components of database users such as end user, application programmes and database administrator. Secondly the models of database are structure, characteristics, description and organization. Lastly, there are some types of database models such as hierarchical database, rational database, network database and object-relational database. Hierarchical model was developed in 1960 by IBM company which is information management system like upside-down tree. It's structure contains levels or segment likewise organizational chart. This is the model of organizes data in a tree structure. It can may establish one to many relationship. So these are the things that we have learnt in this topic.
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